Finding torque exerted by sea


Three emergency escape hatches are on a submarine submerged in sea water whose density is D=1025 kg/m^3. Each hatch is rectangular, having width W= .85 m, length L= 1.2 m with its hinge of length W along one side.

See orientation for Parts a, b, and c.

Part a. The Deck Hatch is in a horizontal plane at depth H below the sea surface. Find the torque about an axis through the hinge, exerted on the hatch by the sea.
Part b. The Aft Hatch is in a vertical plane with its hinge horizontal at the upper edge and distance S below the surface. Find the torque about the hinge axis, exerted by the sea on the hatch.
Part c. The Forward Hatch is in a vertical plane with the hinge vertical on the left edge. Find the torque about the hinge axis, exerted by the sea.

595_Escape hatches.JPG

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Physics: Finding torque exerted by sea
Reference No:- TGS01889918

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