Finding a way to motivate a group of individuals can be a

The focus of this week's reading is motivation. We are all familiar with the idea of motivation, but I am sure you are beginning to realize that it is not a "one size fits all" process.

Finding a way to motivate a group of individuals can be a challenge! What motivates you to perform well?

Does your manager motivate you, or are there company policies that motivate you? Maybe you motivate yourself.

If you find that you cannot answer these questions, what could your company do to increase your motivation?

While you are not required to formally cite your sources within the forum, you should make sure that you are incorporating information from the readings into your responses.

Your responses should clearly show that you have read the material.

Minimum of 300 words in APA format.

REading Resource:

1. The Study of the Relationship between Employees’ Empowerment and Organizational Agility: A Case Study in Azarab Industrial Company By Alireza Horabadi Farahani, Freidoon Salimi.

2. Age-Related Work Motivation Declines: Myth or Reality?By Thomas J. Calo,Meredith M. Patterson,Wayne H. Decker.


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Operation Management: Finding a way to motivate a group of individuals can be a
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