
Finding a water body or stream segment in the state of ut


Write a 1 to 2 page essay to answer the following questions. The essay should be wordprocessed, 12 point font, 1.5 spacing, 1" margins. Use only MS Word format (.doc or .docx).

Choose one water body or stream segment in the State of UT that has an approved Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study:

Review the,  Watershed Management Program Approved TMDLs

Briefly summarize the following in a narrative essay:

• the location and general description of the water body or stream segment

• all Beneficial Use Classification(s), and which use(s) is/are impaired (cross-check the TMDL with updated info )

• the cause(s) of the impairment or the pollutant(s) of concern

• the current total load for one pollutant (concentration, mass loading rate, or loading)

• the required load reduction and/or water quality endpoint for that one pollutant

• the main point sources and non-point sources for that one pollutant

• how they plan to meet the TMDL requirements

Be sure to summarize these points in your own words; do not just copy from the TMDL!

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Other Subject: Finding a water body or stream segment in the state of ut
Reference No:- TGS02130390

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