Finding a standard diagnosis for depression

Assignment Problem: Psychology Research Proposal

Assignment Title: A search Towards Finding A standard Diagnosis for Depression: A research Proposal Presented in Partial Fulfillment for a ward of a Degree in (University).

Paper details: you have to look for the gap in the literature review wrote about depression and then try to propose a method.

Assignment Prompt: This project is compiled from six smaller "low stakes" components. First, drawing upon previous projects, you will draft an introduction to produce a rationale for your literature review and proposal. Second, once an introduction has been formulated, you will revise your literature review in order to:

(a) Further analyze whether your research provides adequate background on the research, and

(b) Show how your research problem fills a gap, and fits into ongoing conversations about the problem or issue.

Third, you will draw upon your already gathered research materials in order to propose a "mock" methodology for addressing your research problem. The proposal must be at least "semi-realistic," must include methodology appropriate to your DC, and must indicate how you would implement your methodology using discipline-specific methods. Finally, you will develop a Discussion section where you discuss the limitations, assumptions, validations, and significance of your research proposal for your DC and the discipline at large.

Note - Need 8 pages and Paper format: MLA.

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