Four topics at the end of this section. You will write a minimum of six pages but not more than nine pages of content. This does not include cover page, references or appendices. The work is in APA format and therefore is to be double-spaced.
Times New Roman 12-point font with one inch margins on all sides, 0" setting between paragraphs. Use flush-left style, and leave the right margin uneven, or ragged. Paper must be written in Word and submitted to the drop box. You must include a minimum of seven (7) credible references (at least five must be peer-reviewed journal articles) no more than 6-8 years old with appropriate in-text citations and corresponding Spring 2018 references. Do you know what peer-reviewed means? Check with the library if you are unsure about a journal you are using. And no, Wikipedia does not count.
Use proper formatting (APA) of any quotes. Again, 6-9 pages is content only and does not include title page, abstract, references, or appendices. If you do not have the APA style Manual, go get it or meet with the Writing Lab folks. The format is required; if you do not know the format, learn it.
Given the assignment, You may include abstracts but only need just content and references.
formatted according to APA, cited in-text, and referenced.
Do your research first. Find your articles using the Pace online library; or go there and talk to a reference librarian. Think about how you want to organize your paper. Do not just start writing. Do not just summarize your sources in separate paragraphs. Need smooth flow and a solid sequence. Remember the rules of not just grammar and mechanics, but of paragraph construction.
Your topic this semester will be selected from one of the topics below.
Choose one the following topics.
Topic 1: Service Quality Approach to Law Enforcement
Topic 2: Service Quality Approach to Courts
Topic 3: Service Quality Approach to Correctional Facilities
Topic 4: Service Quality Approach to Probation and Parole