
Find with proof a formula for tn of the form tn an bn

Putnam TNG - Sequences and Convergence

1: Let d be a real number. For each integer m ≥ 0, define a sequence {am(j)}, j = 0, 1, 2, ... by the conditions am(0) = d/2m, am(j + 1) = (am(j))2 + 2am(j) for j ≥ 0. Evaluate limn→∞ an(n).

2: Let (an) be a sequence of positive reals such that, for all n, an ≤ a2n + a2n+1. Prove that n=1an diverges.

3: Let T0 = 2, T1 = 3, T2 = 6 and for n ≥ 3,

Tn = (n + 4)Tn-1 - 4nTn-2 + (4n - 8)Tn-3.

The first few terms are

2, 3, 6, 14, 40, 152, 784, 5168, 40576, 363392.

Find, with proof, a formula for Tn of the form Tn = An + Bn, where (An) and (Bn) are well-known sequences.

4: Is √2 the limit of a sequence of numbers of the form n1/3 - m1/3 (n, m = 0, 1, 2, ...)?

5: Given a sequence (xn) such that limn→∞(xn - xn-2) = 0, prove that

limn→∞ (xn - xn-1/n) = 0.

6: Let A = {(x, y): 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1}. For (x, y) ∈ A, let

S(x, y) = ∑1/2 ≤ m/n ≤ 2xmyn,

where the sum ranges over all pairs (m, n) of positive integers satisfying the indicated inequalities. Evaluate lim(x,y)→(1,1),(x,y)A(1 - xy2)(1 - x2y)S(x, y).

7: Assume that (an)n≥1 is an increasing sequence of positive real numbers such that limn→∞ an/n = 0. Must there exist infinitely many positive integers n such that

an-i + an+i < 2an for i = 1, 2, ... , n - 1?

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Mathematics: Find with proof a formula for tn of the form tn an bn
Reference No:- TGS01462602

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