n 1919, baseball World Series was the best of nine series (first team to win 5 games would win series) between Cincinnati Reds (National League) and Chicago White Sox (American League). In 1919, World Series lasted eight games, with outcome: NNANNAAN (Cincinnati Reds (N) defeated Chicago ‘Black Sox' (A)).
i) Find ways are there to play the best of nine series which ends on 5th game?
ii) Find ways are there to play the best of nine series which ends on 6th game?
iii) Find ways are there to play the best of nine series which ends on the 7th game?
iv) Find ways are there to play the best of nine series which ends on the 8th game?
v) Find ways are there to play the best of nine series?
vi) Find probability that the best of nine series will last exactly wight games, assuming that two teams are evenly matched (and play to best of their ability)? Or w can say, in every game, every team has the 1/2 chance of winning.