
Find value of net cash flow under head of financing activity

Caterpillar is the largest industrywho makes construction equipment. Company is interesting to build anew Crain which can work on 400 meter heights. Company look fordebt financing from Crescent bank for this project. The bank isinteresting to learn the financial position of the business. Thusfor the loan and advance committee of the bank demanded a cash flowstatement of the company. Caterpillar company has provided the cashflow statement but the bank loan and advances committee did notagreed with this statement, for that purpose bank retained someinformation from company during the year of 2009.theinformation's are given as follows:

  1. Purchase real estate for Rs.550, 000cash, which was borrowed from bank.
  2. Sold investment securities forRs.550, 000
  3. Paid dividend of Rs.500,000
  4. Issued 1000 ordinary shares forRs.100,0000
  5. Paid Rs.450, 000 towards a bankloan


Now you are the Director finance ofthe crescent bank, by relaying upon that information which has beenprovided by the company, you are required to calculate the value ofnet cash flow under the head of financing activities during theyear 2009 in accordance with IAS-7.

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Accounting Basics: Find value of net cash flow under head of financing activity
Reference No:- TGS0554903

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