1. Discusses recommended Web design practices. Sometimes it is helpful to learn about good design by examining poor design. Visit webpagesthatsuck website and read about their examples of poor design. Try to think of Web sites that you have visited on the Web. Do any of them have similar qualities? Find two Web sites that use poor Web design practices. Write a one-page report that includes an introduction about the design practices not followed at the Web sites, a link to each site, and a description of how each site has practiced poor Web site design.
2. Visit any of the Web sites referenced in this chapter that interested you. Print the home page or one other pertinent page from the site. Write a one-page summary and reaction to the Web site you chose to visit. Address the following topics:
? What is the purpose of the site?
? Who is the intended audience?
? Do you think the site reaches the intended audience?
? List three examples of how this Web site uses recommended Web design guidelines.
? How could this site be improved?