
Find two weakly conflicting requirements and a boundary

The proposed system is being designed for the Old Faithful Inn Hotel in the Yellowstone National Park, the El Tovar Hotel in the Grand Canyon National Park, and the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park. The hotels can be uniquely identified by their names. The hotels have a normal address (line 1, line 2, city, state, zip code) and each one has a telephone number and a fax number. Each hotel has a rating from Mobile Travel Service of a certain number of diamonds (from one to five). Hotels may only be open for a certain period of a year. They may also have seasonal rates that reflect the change in demand for their rooms. Room rates are constant for different types of rooms during a season. Reservations are accepted for up to 13 months in advance (e.g., in April of 2018 reservations can be made through April of 2019). Reservations cannot be made in a hotel before it is open for business nor after it is scheduled for permanent closure. Rooms in the hotel are of different types and are for either smoking or non-smoking. When making a reservation, the individual will select a room type and a smoking category. If a room is changed to a different type or smoking category, the change is effective on a certain date. Individual reservations can be made by an individual or a travel agent. Reservations are confirmed for a specific time period, room type(s), smoking category(ies), and rate(s). An individual will give his/her name, address (see example above), phone number, and possibly a fax number. The hotel must keep this information secure and shall not disclose it to anyone. A travel agent also gives this information plus the agent’s name and the travel agency identification number. This number will identify the specific travel agency making the reservation, its address, its telephone, and its fax number. Each reservation is made by a reservation clerk and is identified by a sequential number. When a reservation is complete, a time-stamp is made for audit purposes. If a reservation cannot be confirmed, the reservation clerk will ask if the guest would like to be wait-listed. The wait-list is for either a specific hotel or a category of hotels (number of diamonds) at a National Park. The wait-list is for a certain period of days from the reservation date. If room(s) matching the request on the reservation become available within the wait-list time period, a confirmation is automatically sent. On the day before the wait-list is to expire, the guest is contacted and asked if the wait-list should be extended or if the room type(s) and smoking category(ies) could be changed to allow a reservation to be confirmed. When a reservation is made, it must be for either 16.00hr arrival or be guaranteed. A 16.00hr arrival time allows a reservation to be made and at 16.00hr on the date of arrival the reservation is automatically canceled without a penalty being assessed to the guest. To hold a reservation after 16.00hr, the guest must guarantee the room. The guarantee is implemented through a credit card. A guest tells which type of credit card is to be used to guarantee the room and he/she must provide the credit card number and an expiration date. If a guest with a guaranteed reservation does not show up and does not notify the hotel that he/she will not arrive, then the first night’s rent for each reserved room will be charged against the credit card. Guests are encouraged to cancel their reservation if their travel plans change so that others on the wait-list can be accommodated. Guaranteed rooms can be canceled until 16.00hr on the date of arrival and receive a cancellation number that ensures that the guest will not be charged for the room. If a guaranteed reservation is canceled after 16.00hr on the date of arrival then the hotel attempts to rent the room(s). If the room(s) are rented (this is decided based on the time of the cancellation and does not take into account the type or smoking category of the room), then a message is sent to the guest stating that he/she has not been charged for the room. If the room(s) are not rented, then the hotel management decides whether or not the guest will be charged and will be sent a notice that he/she has been charged or not charged. Page 2 of 5 SYSC 3120 — Assignment #1 Due Date: February 5, 2018 A confirmation is sent to the guest when the reservation is confirmed. Each confirmation is time stamped for audit purposes. The confirmation includes all information pertinent to the reservation. The cancellation notice is sent to the guest if a cancellation number is issued. The notice identifies the reservation and the clerk that canceled the reservation. A time stamp validates that the reservation was canceled in time to avoid a penalty. Guests are allowed to select specific rooms (of those that are available meeting their reservation specifications) at any time after confirmation up until 15.00hr on the day of their arrival for an additional fee. If a guest does not select a specific room prior to arrival, the guest is randomly assigned an available room meeting their reservation specifications at 15.00hr on the day of their arrival and is not charged any additional fee. Check-in occurs upon the arrival of the guest at the hotel. The time of check-in is noted and the departure date is confirmed. Room number(s) are assigned and keys are given to the guests. If a credit card is to be used for payment, then the information previously noted is collected. A guest may use a different credit card for the stay than the one used to guarantee the reservation. The Park Service also has a policy that hotel bills above a certain limit must be cleared before the guest is allowed to remain in the hotel. The check-in process notifies the guest of the limit that he/she must abide by. Because of the flexible reservation policy, walk-in guests without reservations are encouraged – especially right after 16.00hr. At the time of check-in a guest may designate one room as the primary room and specify the other room(s) that will have their charges appear directly on the primary room’s invoice. This allows a family to have only one bill even though they are occupying several rooms. Invoices show which room made each charge so that guests can better audit their own bills. Guests who have regularly paid their bills when they reached their account balance limits normally check-out on their departure date. All guests in rooms that charge a primary room must check-out when the guests in the primary room check-out. Check-out is required to occur by 12.00hr, but can be extended to 14.00hr on request. Guests will be charged for the room if not checked out by the cited check-out time. The actual check-out time is used to prevent any further charges from being invoiced to a room. At check-out, a guest is given a copy of the invoice showing all charges and how the balance was cleared. If a guest does not make a payment when his/her account balance reaches the predetermined limit, the guest is automatically checked-out. Extensions to stays are routinely made if rooms are available.

Question: Find two weakly conflicting requirements and a boundary condition that makes these requirements strongly conflicting. Explore alternative conflict resolutions for addressing the problem. You should provide at least two possible (and reasonable) resolutions.

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Operation Management: Find two weakly conflicting requirements and a boundary
Reference No:- TGS02883408

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