
Find two potential sources on your topic for essay 2 one

Question: Find two potential sources on your topic for Essay 2. One source must be from the web, and the other source must be from the MDC library databases. Note: you are NOT required to use these exact sources in your paper. I just want to see that you can find and document credible sources.

Post the MLA-style Works Cited citation for each source. You may use easybib.comor another online citation machine to format your web source. Most library sources provide the MLA citation (look at the bottom of the article or for a "Citation" button on the right).

Beneath each source, write 2-3 sentences explaining why it is credible and how you might use it in your paper.

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Other Subject: Find two potential sources on your topic for essay 2 one
Reference No:- TGS02924901

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