
Find time required from beginning of first to last hole

A CNC drill press is to perform a series of through-hole drilling operations on a 1.75 in thick aluminum plate. Each hole is 3/4 in diameter. There are 100 holes in all, arranged in a 10 by 10 matrix pattern, and the distance between adjacent hole centers (along the square) = 1.5 in. The cutting speed = 300 ft/min, the penetration feed (z-direction) = 0.015 in/rev, and the feed rate between holes (x-y plane) = 15.0 in/min. Assume that x-y moves are made at a distance of 0.5 in above the work surface, and that this distance must be included in the penetration feed rate for each hole. Also, the rate at which the drill is retracted from each hole is twice the penetration feed rate. Determine the time required from the beginning of the first hole to the completion of the last hole, assuming the most efficient drilling sequence will be used to accomplish the job.


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Mechanical Engineering: Find time required from beginning of first to last hole
Reference No:- TGS0721371

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