
Find three abstracts from recent research journals

Assignment Task: All about Independent & Dependent Variables, Reviewing Literature, The Importance of Practicing Ethics in Research

For Week, you will begin a Research Paper by using the steps in the research process.  You must Ask the Question, State your hypothesis, and begin writing your proposal. Follow the APA documentation format from the Sixth Edition Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The Paper should be 8-10 pages long and begin with a cover page and an abstract follow the APA format throughout the paper and Please Properly Document Your References On Your Reference Page In APA Documentation Form.  The reference page is highly important; therefore I will heavily grade you for this section.  Make sure your references are correctly documented.  In your own words, I'll check for plagiarism. Please submit the research paper.

The questions listed below are not included in your research paper; please complete them on a separate paper. I have included these questions in order to give you some time to work on your research paper.  The grade for the questions will assist in improving your research paper grade.

Read the entire document on Variables, Literature Review, and Ethics in Research Methods After reading the document, answers the following questions:

1.  Name and explain the types of variables and discuss why it is independent or dependent.

2.  Find three abstracts from recent research journals.  for each abstract identify the following:

a. The purpose

b. The hypothesis

c. The type of study (e.g. correlational, experimental)

d. The conclusion

3. You have been assigned the topic of gender differences in adolescent development for a research study.  Formulate five research questions that address this topic.

4. What are some potential advantages to reading peer-reviewed journal articles instead of relying on information obtained through other online sources such as Wikipedia? 

5. What are some potential advantages of using Wikipedia?

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Other Subject: Find three abstracts from recent research journals
Reference No:- TGS03442033

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