
Find the vector moment about the origin

Solve the below:

(1) A force F of magnitude 6 in the direction i - 2j + 2k acts at the point P = (1,-1, 2).

a. Find the vector moment M of F about the origin.

b. Find the components of M in the direction of the (positive) x - axis, y -axis and z -axis.

c. Find the component of M about an axis in the direction i + j.

(2) Let l be the line passing through (1,4,2) in the direction (1,1,1)

a. Find where l meets the xy-plane.

b. Find where l meets the plane with equation x + y + z = 1

c. Find where l meets the plane with equation x + y - 2z = 1

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Mathematics: Find the vector moment about the origin
Reference No:- TGS01931548

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