Complete the following:
Quantitative Analysis
Q1: Solve the following Game:
Y1 Y2
X1 -5 -10
X2 12 8
X3 4 12
X4 -40 -5
Q2: For the following two-person, zero-sum game, are there any dominated strategies? If so, eliminate any dominated strategy and find the value of the game.
Y1 Y2 Y3
X1 4 5 10
X2 3 4 2
X3 8 6 9
Q3: A silver dollar is flipped twice. Calculate the probability of each of the following occurring:
a. a head on the first flip
b. a tail on the second flip given that the first toss was a head
c. two tails
d. a tail on the first and a head on the second
e. a tail on the first and a head on the second or a head on the first and a tail on the second
f. at least one head on two flips