Given Aircraft Conditions:
Gross Weight for Cruise = 300,000 lbs
Wing Area = 3050 ft2
Wing Span = 156 ft
Wing Efficiency = .80
CDp = 0.0119
Twin turbofan engine Aircraft
Thrust @ sea level = 50,000 lb/per engine

1. Using Figure 6.5, find Thrust Available at 100 % RPM Max Endurance Airspeed at FL350 (Both Engines). Does the Thrust Available exceed the thrust required from Exercise 3?
2. Using Figure 6.5 (Equation 6.2), find the Total Fuel Flow to maintain Max endurance speed in Level flight at FL350?
3. What would the % thrust and % N1 setting be at Max Endurance Speed, FL350? Assume Thrust available from Problem 1,Thrust Required from Exercise 3, andin Equation 6.4 use 5.0 for x for turbofan engines.
4. Using Figure 6.5, if you lost one engine, would you be able to maintain level flight at Max Endurance Airspeed at FL250?
5. How would the Altitude (FL350 as compared to FL250) affect the Induced and Parasite drag on the aircraft at constant true airspeed?