
Find the steady-state probabilities piinbspinbspge 0 for

Consider a Markov process for which the embedded Markov chain is a birth-death chain with transition probabilities Pii+1 = 2/5 for all ≥ 0, Pii-1 = 3/5 for all ≥ 1, P01 = 1, and Pij = 0 otherwise.

(a) Find the steady-state probabilities {πi≥ 0} for the embedded chain.

(b) Assume that the transition rate νout of state i, for ≥ 0, is given by ν= 2i. Find the transition rates {qij} between states and find the steady-state probabilities {pi} for the Markov process. Explain heuristically why π/= pi.

(c) Explain why there is no sampled-time approximation for this process. Then truncate the embedded chain to states 0 to and find the steady-state probabilities for the sampled-time approximation to the truncated process.

(d) Show that as → ∞, the steady-state probabilities for the sequence of sampled-time approximations approach the probabilities pin (b).

Text Book: Stochastic Processes: Theory for Applications By Robert G. Gallager.

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Advanced Statistics: Find the steady-state probabilities piinbspinbspge 0 for
Reference No:- TGS01207472

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