
Find the solution of the differential equation - find the

Q1. Find the solution of the following differential equation

d2y/dx2 + ay = 0

Q2. Find the potential energy of the following system:

639_Find the potential energy.jpg

Assuming no friction or other forces act on the particle (except F).

Q3. A nano-particle is oscillating with the potential energy v(x) = 1/2mω2x2.

Where, m is the mass of the atom, w is the frequency of oscillation and x is the displacement. Find the total energy of such system.

Q4. Can you establish a rule for the following sequence;

656.3x10-9, 486.1x10-9, 434.1 x10-9, 410.2x10-9, 397.0x10-9, 388.9x10-9, 383.5x10-9, 364.6x10-9

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Physics: Find the solution of the differential equation - find the
Reference No:- TGS01300498

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