
Find the shortest path from start to goal

Discuss the below:

Q: Consider the following greedy strategy for finding a shortest path from vertex start to vertex goal in a connected graph.

1: Initialize path to start.

2: Initialize VisitedVertices to {start}.

3: If start=goal, return path and exit. Otherwise, continue.

4: Find the edge (start,v) of the minimum weight such that v is adjacent to start and v is not in VisitedVertices.

5: Add v to path.

6: Add v to VisitedVertices.

7: Set start equal to v and go to step 3.

Does this greedy strategy find the shortest path from start to goal?

Either explain intuitively why it works, or give a counter-example showing why it does not.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Find the shortest path from start to goal
Reference No:- TGS01932866

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