
Find the roots of the van derwaals equation

Use the van der Waalsequation to determine the molar volume of steam at 200 bar and 500°C. Compare this value with that for an ideal gas under thesame conditions. To generate values you will note that the van derWaals equation does not provide the simple relationship betweenpressure and volume in theideal gas equation. You will need to find the roots of the van derWaals equation for a particular pressure. This can be accomplishedby rearrangement of the vdW equation to set it equal to zero and"trying" values of the molar volume until you get closeto zero for the answer or by using Mathematica or other program torequest the roots of the equation (see below an example). Plotmolar volume versus pressure for a van der Waals gas and an idealgas from 1 bar to 200 bar at 500 °C.

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Chemistry: Find the roots of the van derwaals equation
Reference No:- TGS0741550

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