
Find the refund due or amount owed

Tax return problem:

Using the following link to find the appropriate forms -

https://www.irs.gov/app/picklist/list/formsInstructions.html (You should be able to enter information on forms before saving or printing )

Prepare a 2009 income tax return based on the following.

Name: Kid Rock
SS: 123-45-6789
DOB: 5/11/71
Address: 311 Sunnyside Street, Dedham MA 02026
Files Single
Gross Income - $73,200
401 (k) contribution - $3,000
Federal Income Tax Withheld - $7,000
State Income Tax Withheld - $4,000
BOA Bank interest - $400
Microsoft Dividends - $500 (all qualified)
Won $5,000 in the lottery - (spent $10,000 on gambling)
Real Estate Taxes - $4,000
Mortgage Interest - $12,000

Find the refund due or amount owed.

Please show any calculation details.

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Accounting Basics: Find the refund due or amount owed
Reference No:- TGS01927243

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