
Find the price of a big mac at a local mcdonalds compare

Part 1

Find the price of a Big Mac at a local McDonald's. Compare your price for a local Big Mac against the "Big Mac Index". Select a country and in 200 to 250 words try to explain why there may be a discrepancy between the Big Mac Index based on the exchange rate and the actual price of a Big Mac.

(Price of a local big make for me is $4.49 as compared to the $3.54 listed under the United States on the Big Mac Index)

Part 2

Based on your "Big Mac" post and using the first letter of your last name, identify a country that starts with that letter on the Big Mac Index. If a country is not listed with that letter, use the second letter in your last name.

In 200 to 250 words, discuss whether you should be exporting or importing Big Macs from that country. Explain your reasoning.

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Operation Management: Find the price of a big mac at a local mcdonalds compare
Reference No:- TGS02880708

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