Time dilation The clock in the sketch can provide an intuitive explanation of the time dilation formula. The clock consists of a flashtube, mirror, and phototube. The flashtube emits a pulse of light that travels distance L to the mirror and is reflected back to the phototube. Every time a pulse hits the phototube it triggers the flashtube. Neglecting time delay in the triggering circuits, the period of the clock is τ0 = 2L/c. L Phototube Flashtube Mirror Now examine the clock in a coordinate system moving to the left with uniform velocity v. In this system the clock appears to move to the right with velocity v. Find the period of the clock in the moving system by direct calculation, using only the assumptions that c is a universal constant, and that distance perpendicular to the line of motion is unaffected by the motion. The result should be identical to that given by the Lorentz transformation: