
Find the minimum staffing levels of lucy

Discuss the below problem:

Q: Lucy's Lunchbox is a small catering service that delivers lunch boxes to its customers.

A lunch box consists of

(i) a vegetarian wrap or a sub,

(ii) soup or salad, and

(iii) drink and dessert.

The production system has four stations: A1 for vegetarian wraps, A2 for subs, B for soup orsalad, and C for drinks and desserts. From historical data, Lucy's estimates the following visit percentages (fraction of boxes that needto go to the respective stations) and mean processing times:

Station Vist % Avg Time per box (minutes)

A1 55% 4

A2 20% 5

B 46% 4

C 62% 2

For next Wednesday morning, Lucy expects orders for 82 boxes per hour. Note that there is sufficient room in Lucy's kitchen to add as many staffers to each stationas may be required for that day's expected workload. Find the minimum staffing levels that Lucy's should use to keep up with the expected workload on Wednesday morning and the resulting utilizations. Also indicate which stationsare bottlenecks.

Station Staffing Level Utilization Bottleneck ? (yes/no)





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Basic Statistics: Find the minimum staffing levels of lucy
Reference No:- TGS02038375

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