Discuss the below:
Q1: The number of unemployed workers in the United States in recent years (in millions) is given below.
a. Find the mean number of unemployed (in millions) in this period. Which year has unemployment closest to the mean?
b. Find the standard deviation for the data.
c. In how many of these years is the unemployment within 1 standard deviation from the mean?
d. In how many of these years is unemployment within 3 standard deviations from the mean?
Q2: In 2002 eleven state governors earned at least $124000 annually (not counting expense allowances) as listed below. (Salaries are given in thousands of dollars and are rounded to the nearest $1000)

a. Find the mean salary of the governors. Which states have the governor with the salary closest to the mean?
b. Find the standard deviation for the data.
c. Which percent of the governors have salaries within 1 standard deviation from the mean?
d. Which percent of the governors have salaries within 3 standard deviations from the mean?
Q3: Marie Revak and Jihan Williams performed an experiment to determine whether Oreo Double Stuff Cookies contain twice as much filling as the traditional Oreo cookies. The following table gives the results in grams of the amount of filling inside 49 traditional cookies and 52 Double Stuff cookies.
a. Find the mean, maximum, minimum and standard deviation of the weights for traditional Oreo cookies.
b. Find the mean, maximum, minimum and standard deviation of the weights for Oreo Double Stuff cookies.