
Find the line to quote from paragraph

1. Find a line to quote from the following paragraph. Write out your quotation. Include appropriate attributive tags and page numbers.

If the American dream is to come true and to abide with us, it will, at bottom, depend on the people themselves. If we are to achieve a richer and fuller life for all, they have got to know what such an achievement implies. In a modern industrial State, an economic base is essential for all. We point with pride to our "national income," but the nation is only an aggregate of individual men and women, and when we turn from the single figure of total income to the incomes of individuals, we find a very marked injustice in its distribution. There is no reason why wealth, which is a social product, should not be more equitably controlled and distributed in the interests of society.

2. Now find a line in the paragraph worth paraphrasing. Once again, include an attributive tag and a page number.

3. If you do decide to use a quotation, it is often a good idea to follow the quotation with a paraphrase in which you explain the quotation.

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