Graphing Functions, L'Hospital's Rule-
Exercise 1- Give an example of a function f which is continuous everywhere but has a horizontal asymptote. Give an example of a function f which is continuous everywhere but has a slant asymptote.
Exercise 2- Give a proof, using N and δ, of the following fact: If a function f(x) is continuous at x = a, then f(x) cannot have a vertical asymptote.
Exercise 3- Let f(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 + · · · + a1x + a0 be a polynomial with n ≥ 1 and an ≠ 0. Prove that limx→∞ f(x) = ∞ if an > 0 and -∞ if an < 0. Use this to show that limx→-∞ f(x) = ∞ if either (i) n is even and an > 0 or (ii) n is odd and an < 0; show that limx→-∞ f(x) = -∞ if either (iii) n is odd and an > 0 or (iv) n is even and an < 0.
Exercise 4- Find the limit limx→∞(x - ln x).
Exercise 5- Find the limit limx→∞ x1/x.
Exercise 6- Find the limit limx→∞(1+ (2/x))x. More generally, find the limit limx→∞(b+(a/x))x where a is a real number and b is a positive real number.
Exercise 7- Prove that limx→∞ex/xn = ∞ for any positive integer n. (Intuition: The exponential function grows faster than any large power of x.)
Exercise 8- Prove that limx→∞ln x/xp = 0 for any p > 0. (Intuition: The natural logarithm grows slower than any small power of x. Application to computer science: Many sorting algorithms have a worst-case running time of O(n ln n), which is better than O(n1+p) for any p > 0. But it's worse than O(n). Wait, what?)
Exercise 9- Let A(θ) be the area of the region between the chord PR and the arc PR. Let B(θ) be the area of the triangle PQR. Find limθ→0^+A(θ)/B(θ).

Exercise 10- Let f and g be functions such that f(x) > 0 for all x. Suppose that limx→a f(x) = 0 and limx→a g(x) = ∞. Show that limx→a(f(x))g(x) = 0. (Hint: This is not an indeterminate form. Intuition: You are multiplying increasingly many copies of increasingly small numbers.)