1. Find the length of the curve given by
r(t) = (cos t) + ln(tan(1/2t)),sin t) Π/4 ≤ t ≤ 3Π/4
Hint: Since
sin(α + β) = sinα cosβ + cosα sinβ
we have that
sin t = 2 sin (1/2.t)cos(-2t).
2. Let {pa, p1,......, pk} be (k + 1) points in Rn, where k ≤ n.
For all 1 ≤ i ≤ k define the vector vi→ by
vi→ = Pi - po
and let
V = span{v1→, v2→, ........ vk→}
The affine plane spanned by the points p0,........., pk, denoted A(P0, .........pk), is then defined as
A(po,......,pk) := po + V
= {q ∈ Rn | q = po + v→ for some v→ ∈ V}.
Prove that q ∈A(po,......pk) if and only if there exist constants α0, α1, ......., αk
such that
q = i=0Σk αipi, and i=0Σk αi = 1.
3. The astroid curve in R2 is given by the parameterization
γ(t) = (cos3 (t), sin3 (t) t ∈ [0, 2Π].
Is the astroid a smooth curve? Is it regular? Is it a curve of general type? If the answer is "no" for a property, characterize those arcs (or segments) of the astroid which have the given property. Lastly, show that the segment of any tangent line lying between the x and y axes has the same length (of 1).
4. Let -γ : [a, b] → R3 be a curve of general type. Suppose that the normal planes of γ all pass through a fixed point p. Prove that the curve lies on a sphere centered at p.