
Find the largest integer that is not bigger

cuberoot.c Find cube roots using the iterative Babylonian Method.Use the following procedure. 
Read in a positive nonzero double, bigger than 1.0. Do all calculations in double except as noted below.
First, find the largest integer that is not bigger than the cube root of the input double. Use this as the starting approximation.
Then, repeatedly apply the Babylonian iteration step as described above, while the absolute value of the difference between the cube of the approximation and the actual input number is bigger than 0.0000001
Print the final approximation, along with the solution from pow (math.h) approximated to 3 sigdigs after the decimal point.

$ ./cuberoot
For what positive number do want the cube root ? > 1.35235
Our initial approximation is the integer 1
The approximate cube root is 1.106
The value from 's pow is 1.106
$ ./cuberoot
For what positive number do want the cube root ? > 27.234
Our initial approximation is the integer 3
The approximate cube root is 3.009
The value from 's pow is 3.009 

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Basic Computer Science: Find the largest integer that is not bigger
Reference No:- TGS092833

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