Q.1. Derive the Laplace transform of the sketched f (t) below:

Q.2. Find the inverse Laplace transform of the following functions:
(i) s/L2s2 + n2Π2 (ii) 1/(s + √2)(s - √3)
Q. 3. Using Λ[f(t)'] = sF(s) - f(0),
Show that Λ[sin2 t] = 2/s(s2 +4).
Q.4 Solve the following initial value problem by the Laplace transform:
y'' + 2y' - 3y = 6e-2t, y(0) = 2, y'(0) = -14 .
Q.5 (a) Iff(t) has the Laplace transform F(s), then show that
Λ{f (t - a) u(t - a)} = e-asF(s),
where u(t) is a step function.
(b) Find the inverse transform of e-3s/s3 .
Q6. Using the Laplace transform. solve the following problem.
y'' + 2y' - 3y = 8e-t + δ(t -1/2 ), y(0) = 3, y'(0)= -5.
Q7. By differentiation, find the inverse Laplace transform of:
s2 - Π2/(s2 + Π2)2
Q. 8 By differentiation, find the Laplace transform of:
t2 cashΠ
Q.9 Using Laplace transforms solve the following integral equation:
y(t) = sin2t + 0∫1y(t') sin 2(t -t')dt'
Q. 10: Evaluate the following integral:
C∫ = 2z3 + z2 + 4/z4 + 4z2 dz,
Where C is the circle |z-2| = 4 clockwise.