Find the initial ph of nh3 before hcl is added

We will titrate 50.0mL of 0.200M NH3(aq) ( pKb = 4.76) with 0.200M HCl(aq).

a. What is the initial pH of 50.0mL of 0.200M NH3(aq) before HCl is added
b. 25.0mL 0.200M HCl(aq) is added. Calculate moles of each
c. At what point in titration this is called?
d. What is its pH at this point?
e. How many mL of HCl do you have to add to 50.0mL of 0.200M NH3(aq) to reach equivalent point?
f. What is the pH at this pont?
g. What is the pH when 70.0mL of HCl is added?

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Chemistry: Find the initial ph of nh3 before hcl is added
Reference No:- TGS0506951

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