
Find the historical data for the past five years identify

Economic Indicators Assignment

Topic : Manufacturing shipments

Each student will select a different group of widely used Canadian economic indicators to review and analyze from the list presented to the class by the instructor.

The first step in the process will be to find a key economic indicator and four major sub-indicators from the same indicator group. This data can either be found electronically or in a hard copy.

Once the economic indicators have been found, the student is expected to do the following:

- Locate the most recent indicators available;
- Find the historical data for the past five years;
- Insure a full understanding of the terms being used;
- Analyze the economic indicators;
- Identify the economic issues that relate to these indicators:
- Make use of graphs and charts.

You are then going to write a short paper of about 750 words, not including tables and graphs using the following headings (insure that you type each heading and address them carefully):

- Historical Indicator and Sub-Indicators
- Definition of Key Terms
- Your Analysis of the Indicators
- Economic Issues Related to Your Indicators.

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Microeconomics: Find the historical data for the past five years identify
Reference No:- TGS02532954

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