
Find the frequency distribution of data

Solve the below:

1. The answers to the following questionnaire items are based upon what scale of measurement?

a) What is your height?
b) What is your weight?
c) What is your occupation?
d) How does this course compare with others you have taken?

2. According to the table below, about what percentage of the flights had 19 or fewer empty seats?

a) 15%
b) about 29%
c) about 71%
d) cannot be determined

Number of empty seats Frequency
0 up to 5 3
5 up to 10 8
10 up to 15 15
15 up to 20 18
20 up to 25 12
25 up to 30 6

3. Complete this frequency distribution.

Number of empty seats F RF
0 up to 5 3
5 up to 10 .03
10 up to 15 8
15 up to 20 .15
20 up to 25 18
Total 34 1

4. Ratio level data are the "lowest level" of measurement and the data must be mutually exclusive.

True False

5. The midpoint of 0 up to 5 class is

a) 2
b) 4
c) 2.5
d) 0
All Time Box Office Revenues Aggregated by Months (used for questions 5 - 7)

Rank Month Gross Movies Tracked
1 February, 2009 796,343,640 161
2 February, 2010 745,693,066 173
3 February, 2008 659,270,466 193
4 February, 2004 666,141,251 201
5 February, 2007 693,647,238 176
6 February, 2003 613,460,961 207
7 February, 2005 692,957,988 185
8 February, 2006 652,426,175 193
9 February 2002 529,353,345 98

6. Calculate the mean for the gross revenues.

7. Calculate the mean for the Movies tracked.

8. Calculate the standard deviation for the movies tracked.

9. There are 14,233 members in Stone, Clay, and Glass Union.

Randomly, 327 were selected for an opinion survey. The 327 can be considered as the population.

True False

10. Maria has just finished reading in his textbook about the study of grades earned in introductory courses at UMUC. She sees that the mean grade for history is 2.71, whereas the mean grade in political science is 3.10. Based on this information she decides to switch his major to political science, where he feels it will be more likely he could receive an A in his courses. Do you think Maria's decision is appropriate based on data?

11. The ages for a sample of 10 women who have just given birth to their first child are 16, 25, 31, 19, 22, 20, 19, 25, 17, and 27. Compute each of the following descriptive measures:

a) the range
b) the variance
c) the standard deviation

12. Calculate the standard deviations for the following set of measurements:

a) 10, 8, 6, 0, 8, 3, 2, 8, 0
b) 20, 1, 2, 5, 4, 4, 0

13. Paramount Studios has won the most Oscars than any other studio. Below is a chart indicating the movie and the box office receipts. On average, what are the box office receipts for Oscar movies under this studio name?

Titantic $600,788,188
Terms of Endearment $108,423,489
Forrest Gump $329,694,499
Ordinary People $ 54,766,923
Braveheart $ 75,609,945

14. Calculate the standard deviation for the lowest three profit making movies.

15. Explain to me a concept from one of the first few chapters in your own words. Teach me as if I never understood the concept. You can write up to 100 words. Spelling, grammar, and precise content count.

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Basic Statistics: Find the frequency distribution of data
Reference No:- TGS01947808

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