
Find the fourier transform of ftplot with axis labels the

2)  For the following signal:

f(t) = sinc ^2(2pi(t-3))

  • Find the Fourier Transform of f(t),
  • Plot (with axis labels) the frequency spectrum for the continuous signal.  (both magnitude and phase)
  • What is the bandwidth of this signal in rad/s and Hz?
  • Determine the Nyquist sampling rate (fNy) and Nyquist sampling interval (TNy) for f(t).
  • Plot the frequency spectrum for the signal f(t) sampled at the Nyquist sampling rate  (magnitude only, with axis labels!).  Is there aliasing present?
  • For a sampling interval equal to half of the Nyquist sampling interval (i.e. Ts= TNy/2), what is the sampling frequency? Plot the resulting frequency spectrum (magnitude only, with axis labels!).  Is there aliasing present?
  • For a sampling interval equal to twice the Nyquist sampling interval (i.e. Ts= TNy*2), what is the sampling frequency?  Plot the resulting frequency spectrum (magnitude only, with axis labels!).  Is there aliasing present?



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Electrical Engineering: Find the fourier transform of ftplot with axis labels the
Reference No:- TGS01061313

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