Find the final mass of water vapor and final total pressure


1. A rigid container, 10 m3 in volume, contains moist air at 45oC, 100 kPa, φ = 40%. The container is now cooled to 5oC. Neglect the volume of any liquid that might be present and find the final mass of water vapor, the final total pressure, and the heat transfer.

2. A water-filled reactor of 1 m3 is at 20 MPa, 360oC and is located inside an insulated containment room of 100 m3 that contains air at 100 kPa, 25oC. Due to a failure, the reactor ruptures and the water fills the containment room. Find the final pressure.

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Science: Find the final mass of water vapor and final total pressure
Reference No:- TGS02107769

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