
Find the expected value of the perfect information

Discuss the below:

Q: The local operations manager for the IRS must decide whether to hire 1, 2, or 3 temporary workers. He estimates that net revenues will vary with how well taxpayers comply with the new tax code.

# of workers Low Compliance Medium Compliance High Compliance

1 $50 $50 $50

2 $100 $60 $20

3 $150 $70 $-10

a. If he uses minimax regret criterion, how many new workers will he hire?

b. If the manager thinks the chances of low, medium and high compliances are 20%, 30%, and 50% respectively. Find the best expected net revenues for the number of worker he will decide to hire. (Hint: Part "b" is not connected to Part "a".)

c. Find the expected value of the perfect information. (Hint: Part "c" is not connected to Part "a". But it is connected to Part "b")


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Basic Statistics: Find the expected value of the perfect information
Reference No:- TGS01892201

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