Find the expected rate of return on the market portfolio

Problem: (Section Four) Expected Returns. Consider the following two scenarios for the economy, and the returns in each scenario for the market portfolio, an aggressive stock A, and a defensive stock D.

Rate of Return

Scenario Market Aggressive Stock A Defensive Stock D
Bust    -8% -10%    -6%
Boom   32    38       24

Q1. Find the beta of each stock. In what way is stock D defensive?

Q2. If each scenario is equally likely, find the expected rate of return on the market portfolio and on each stock.

Q3. If the T-bill rate is 4 percent, what does the CAPM say about the fair expected rate of return on the two stocks?

Q4. Which stock seems to be a better buy based on your answers to (1) through (3)?

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Finance Basics: Find the expected rate of return on the market portfolio
Reference No:- TGS02037898

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