
Find the estimated simple linear regression equation

Answer the following questions under Regression and correlation. 

1. While using simple regression analysis, if there is a strong correlation between the independent and dependent variable, then we can conclude that an increase in the value of the independent variable causes an increase in the value of the dependent variable.

i. True
ii. False

2. In a simple linear regression model, the coefficient of determination not only indicates the strength of the relationship between independent and dependent variable, however also shows whether the relationship is positive or negative.

i. True
ii. False

3. In a simple linear regression analysis, the correlation coefficient (a) and the slope (b) have the same sign.

i. True
ii. False

4. The correlation coefficient may assume any value between

i. Always
ii. Sometimes
iii. Never

5. The estimated simple linear regression equation minimizes the sum of the squared deviations between each value of Y and the line.

i. 0 and 1
ii. -infinity and infinity
iii. 0 and 8
iv.-1 and 1
v. -1 and 0

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Basic Statistics: Find the estimated simple linear regression equation
Reference No:- TGS022861

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