
Find the differential ended gain ad both theoretical and

1. For the below differential amplifier perform the following analysis using both theoretical and multisim and compare the results


a) Perform DC analysis (ground both the inputs) i.e. find I IE, Ic and Vc both theoretical and simulation using multisim and compare the results (Draw the equivalent DC circuit)

(b) Perform Differential mode AC Analysis by giving

(i) one input 2mV 50 kHZ and another end ground it. Find the single ended differential gain Ad both theoretical and simulation using multisim and compare the results. (Draw the ac equivalent circuit).

(ii) Now provide two input with 2mV 50 KHZ ac signal but opposite in polarity. Find the differential ended gain Ad both theoretical and simulation using multisim and compare the results. (Draw the ac equivalent circuit).

(c) Perform Common mode AC Analysis by giving both the inputs 2mV 50 KHZ sinusoidal signal. Find the gain Ac both theoretical and simulation using multisim and compare the results. (Draw the ac equivalent circuit).

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Electrical Engineering: Find the differential ended gain ad both theoretical and
Reference No:- TGS02780876

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