
Find the debt-to-equity ratio for the firm use total

Rocky Johnson just reported the following balance sheet for the end of 2012.

Know Your Role Boulevard, LLC

Assets $ Cash and Marketable Securities $244,150.00 Accounts Receivable $398,450.00 Inventory $343,150.00 Total Current Assets $985,750.00 Gross Fixed Assets $4,998,400.00 Accumulated Depreciation $2,224,700.00 Net Fixed Assets $2,773,700.00 Total Assets $3,759,450.00

Liabilities and Shareholder Equity $ Accounts Payable $324,075.00 Notes Payable $596,350.00 Total Current Liabilities $920,425.00 Long term Debt $1,677,100.00 Total Liabilities $2,597,525.00 Common Stock $744,150.00 Retained Earnings $417,775.00 Total Shareholder Equity $1,161,925.00 Total Liabilities and Shareholder Equity $3,759,450.00

Find the debt-to-equity ratio for the firm. (use Total Liabilities for debt)

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Basic Statistics: Find the debt-to-equity ratio for the firm use total
Reference No:- TGS02749080

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