
Find the county with the fewest number of total tax

This program doesn't require any mutators, for the State class and County class, since the program will read from the CSV file, but it will need constructors. Write a program that will read the data from the CSV file into an ArrayList of State objects where each State object stores information about all County objects for that state; note State should model US states, districts, and territories. The CSV file contains aggregate information for all states and counties of each state. have uploaded a CSV file needed to run this program, the CSV file cannot be altered in any way form or fashion, it must be used as isProcess the data provided and aggregate it by writing the following to an output file
For each state, first confirm the aggregate information for each state in the data file with the individual county information. For the state of Alabama, the data file shows that there were 2,069,212 tax returns. You need the add all county records to verify that this value is the sum of all tax returns for every county. Similarly with other values.
For each state, display aggregate information for that state, including: the total number of counties in the state, the total number of tax returns, total number of exemptions, total AGI, etc. Also for each state, display the average number of exemptions and the averages for each of the monetary amounts; e.g.: average AGI, average income from wages and salaries, etc. updated to make it clearer as discussed on Piazzza.
Find the County with the fewest number of total tax returns. Display the county's name, the state it is in, the total number of tax returns, AGI, and wages and income.
Find the County with the largest AGI. Display similar information as above for the county with the fewest tax returnsWhen the program is executed by a user, you need to display information about your program (in particular its purpose) and instructions on what is expected from the user.
Prompt the user for the name of the data file containing the data and for the name of the output file that will contain the aggregated information.
Use Java interfaces that will create callbacks to find the county with the smallest number of total tax returns and the county with the largest AGI.
Recover from the following Java I/O exceptions: FileNotFoundException, BadDataException. To recover from a FileNotFoundException, as the user to enter the name of the file again but give the user only 3 attempts. After the third unsuccessful attempt, the program should terminate normally. To recover from a BadDataException, you should skip the current county (ommit it from your collection) and resume with the next county. Any other I/O exceptions should be reported to the user. 

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Programming Languages: Find the county with the fewest number of total tax
Reference No:- TGS0125434

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