
Find the change in kinetic and potential energy of stream

A troop of girl scouts is camping in the snow. As it is cold outside, they decide they don't want to go to the lake to get water for the cabin (which has no indoor plumbing). Instead they go to the hardware store and get 200ydsof 1 inch ID pipe, a pump (which the box says should have a flow rate of 2 gal/min), and a 55 gal garbage can to hold the water. The outside temperature is 27ºF, but a fire inside keeps the cabin at a toasty 72 ºF. There are 3-5 inches of snow on the ground. The troop is having spaghetti for dinner. The cabin is located 3ydsabove the lake. Please find the change in kinetic and potential energy of the stream in J/min.

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Physics: Find the change in kinetic and potential energy of stream
Reference No:- TGS0729297

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