
Find someone who comes from a cultural background different

Question: Cultural Development Exercise

Requirements: - This is a 3-5 page paper. (You will need to answer all questions fully).

- You should have a MINIMUM of three sources for this paper. (You may use the videos we watched in class as a source).

- Times New Roman/12 point font.

1. Think of your own culture and the culture of the country you are studying for the ESA project and answer these questions.

a. What major cultural differences would you need to be aware of when working with individuals from this country?

b. How would NOT understanding these cultural differences affect your ability to work with people from this country?

2. Think of your own upbringing and experiences. Think of the videos we watched in class about diversity in the workplace.

a. Pretend you are the boss of a company. What could you do to ensure that your company was more diverse? How could you make it a place that all people felt comfortable working in? What considerations would you have to make in your hiring practices?

b. We are all unique and diverse in our own way. With your background, what things would you hope to see in the workplace to fit your needs. Why?

3. Find someone who comes from a cultural background different than your own. Ask him or her the three questions below. How do they differ from your own thoughts about these questions?

- What is your favorite holiday and why?

- How do you celebrate birthdays in your family?

- What is the most important thing to you when finding a company to work for?

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Dissertation: Find someone who comes from a cultural background different
Reference No:- TGS02925569

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