
Find scholarly sources is the ashford library

For this assignment, you will choose your topic and the six (or more) related events and developments that span the years 1865 to the present. You will then find one scholarly source related to each event or development plus two additional scholarly sources for a total of 8 scholarly sources in addition to your textbook. At least four of your scholarly sources must come from the Ashford Library and at least two of your sources must be primary sources. Primary sources are documents or artifacts that were created at the time of a historical event or by someone who personally experienced a historical event. Primary sources can be newspaper or magazine articles, books, letters, speeches, photographs, oral histories, paintings or any other record of a historical event. The best place to find scholarly sources is the Ashford Library's research databases and ebook collection.

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History: Find scholarly sources is the ashford library
Reference No:- TGS0525639

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