
Find required growth rate moving shaft though furnace

A solid shaft for a power generator is produced from aluminium plus 1% copper alloy. The shaft makes one revolution per minute during operation with applied load of 12500lb. The design requiremnts calls for contious safe operation for one year under the fatique loading. Based on above imposed conditions, the length of this shaft should be 96 in long with 4.39 in diamter. In order to avoid premature fatique failure it is required to manufacture this shaft with uniform strucure. Based ont his we need to maintained the plane front casting during the processing of the shaft. As a casting engineer suppose you can maintained 360 C/cm temperature gradient (GL) during casting for your heat flow in liquid. Calculate the required growth rate moving this shaft though the furnace in order to maintain flane front and avoid dendritic growth. K=0.1 ML=4 Co=0.01 DL=3x10^-6.

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Mechanical Engineering: Find required growth rate moving shaft though furnace
Reference No:- TGS0734578

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