
Find quanties for constant and variable properties

A non-ideal Brayton Cycle with regeneration operates with incoming air at 22C and 0.1MPA. The Compression ratio is 12:1 and the air leaves the combustion chamber at 1200C. The Turbine Operates with an isentropic efficiency of 93% and the compressor operates with an isentropic efficiency of 89%. The regenerator operateses with an effectiveness of 78%

Compute the following quanties assuming A) Constant properties and B) Variable properties. Draw a mechanical schematic and a T-s Diagram and find

1) Specific Heat Input

2) Specific Net Work

3) Amount of Specific Heat recovered by the Regenerator

4) Thermal Efficiency of the Regenerative Cycle

5)Percentage of Back Work of the Regenerative cycle

6)Mass flow rate of air required if the Net Cycle output is 40MW

7) Rate of heat input needed by the combustion chamber under the output conditions of 40MW net

8) Percentage of Back work if the turbine and compressor both operate ideally

9) Thermal Efficiency of non-ideal cycle if no regenerator was present10) Second Law Efficiency of the Non-ideal regenerative cycle(Thermal/Carnot efficiency)

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Mechanical Engineering: Find quanties for constant and variable properties
Reference No:- TGS0734619

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