
Find probability that card drawn is either ace or a spade

For two events A and B, not necessarily mutually exclusive, formula

Pr[A or B] = Pr [A] + Pr[B] - Pr [A and B]


i) The card is selected at random from ordinary deck of 52 carsd. Find probability that it is either ace or a spade?

b) If the interger between 1 and 1000, inclusive, is selected at random, find probability that it starts with a 1 or ends in 1?

c) Player randomly draws the single card from the ordinary deck of 52 cards. If card is an ace, player receives $6; if card is a king, a queen, or a jack, player receives $1. If any other card is drawn, player loses $1. Is this game fair?

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Mathematics: Find probability that card drawn is either ace or a spade
Reference No:- TGS0864478

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