1. a. Find real part and imaginary part of sin (i5+ π/3)
b. Find real pan and imaginary part of cosh(4 - 3i)
2. a. Find all solutions of sin z = 100.
b. Find all solutions of sinh z = -i.
3. Convert time varying functions i1 = 6 cos (377t - π/3) and i2 = -9 sin (377t + π/4) into complex phasors I1 and I2.
b. We know i1 + i2 = A cos (377t + Φ). Find A and Φ (in radian) with the phasor method.
c. Complex power is defined as P = |I1 + I2|2 (R + iωL) where I1 and I2. arc phasors in a) and R =100 and L= 1. Compute P in polar form.
4. a. Voltage v(t) = 10 sin (200 t + 60o) (v) and current i(t) = 20 cos (200t - 45o) (A)
i. Find phasor form of voltage (V) and current (I).
ii. Compute complcx power P = VI and average power Pavg = Re{P}/2.
b. Find the time varying cos function for the following phasors that have angular frequency of to ω:
i. (6 ∠65o)/(3+i2)
ii. {1/(1+i2.5)} + 1 + i2.5.