
Find percentage impact on earnings due to one year increase

In the application presented in this section, one of Jacob Mincer's specifications relating earnings to schooling and workplace experience is

In E = 4.9 + 0.26S - 0.003S2- 0.004XS + 0.15X - 0.002X2.

(a) What is the partial derivative of the logarithm of earnings with respect to experience?
(b) What is the percentage impact on earnings due to a one year increase in experience if S = 20 and X = 5?
(c) What is the impact on the dollar value of earnings due to a one year increase in experience if S = 20 and X = 5?
(d) What is the percentage impact on earnings due to an increase in experience of 1% if S = 20 and X = 5?
(e) Does this specification exhibit diminishing marginal returns to earnings with regard to experience?

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Microeconomics: Find percentage impact on earnings due to one year increase
Reference No:- TGS047089

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