
Find out which documentation style is used in your major

Rhetorical Analysis (Project 1)

Select a song of any musical genre, but it must be written and performed by a native English speaker of some dialect (discuss exceptions with me individually before you start writing). Analyze the lyrics for text, context, subtext, and intertextuality. Also discuss ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos. What metaphors and imagery are used? Consider issues of form such as end and internal rhyme, slant (near) rhyme, rhythm, and meter, and the use of alliteration and assonance, word play, etc. Be careful selecting your song, as some will provide much more content for analysis than others. Some songs rely heavily on intertextuality to hook us, so references to other songs and other such allusions should be noted. Sometimes, we even accomplish actions through words (speech acts), like making a promise or offering a prayer. You may have to try more than one to find a song with appropriate depth of content.

While your analysis will focus primarily on the words, also consider the significance of the musical genre, the instrumentation used, layers of texture, key changes, tempo, etc. The speed, articulation, pronunciation, and clarity of the words may also be noteworthy, as music, as well as words, can be in whispers and screams.

You should provide a brief background of your artist and, if necessary, the musical genre. Be sure to let your audience know whether the song was written by the artist(s) performing it or by someone else, and, if someone else, who. (Was it written for them to perform? Did they buy the song from a professional songwriter? Cover someone else's song?)

If the song has an official video or images associated with it, you are encouraged to consider them as well. You may also want to consult unofficial images or associations, but be sure to clarify whether associations are made by the artist (or those representing them) or others.

While I normally discourage cites such as Wikipedia or Genius.com, they may be starting points for your research for this project. However, use the analysis of others as a springboard for your own analysis, not as a substitute! Appropriately cited images may be included but do not contribute to the length of your assignment.

You will have to listen to and read the lyrics for your song several times. As such, I strongly suggest you select a song that you like and find listenable but that you are willing to get tired of short term.

This assignment should be 4-6 pages long. You must use a minimum of two outside sources and cite them appropriately in either MLA or APA style, both in the paper itself and on a Works Cited or References page.

You will also do an oral presentation of 4-5 minutes for your classmates. You should present your main ideas. If the class is not likely to be familiar with the artist or group, or even the musical genre, of your topic, you may need to provide a very brief introduction as well. You may play up to one minute of your song or an official video as a part of your presentation.

Wed. Jan 18: Introduce assignment.

Mon. Jan. 23: Listen to and read the lyrics for "Keep Ya Head Up" by Tupac.

Wed. Jan. 25: Read pp. 334-344 and pp. 352-359. Find out which documentation style is used in your major. You can ask a professor or academic advisor in your field or search online. Listen to and read the lyrics for The Flobots "Circle in the Square."

Mon. Jan 30: MLA Works Cited pages (pp. 486-497). MLA in-text citations (pp. 484-485 and 498-507), or the correlating APA pages. Listen to and read the lyrics for The Clash's "Know Your Rights".

Wed. Feb. 1: Invention due. Listen to and read the lyrics for "How to Save a Life" by The Fray.

Mon. Feb. 6: Rough draft due. Bring two (2) complete copies for peer review.

Wed. Feb. 8: Library research tour with Prof. Marc Mason (in our classroom)

Mon. Feb. 13: Revise. Mini-conferences in the classroom.

Wed. Feb. 15: Final draft due. Oral presentations

Mon. Feb. 20: Continue oral presentations.

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